Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Vs. Christmas

So I am just 3 presents away from having all my Christmas shopping done! I feel so relieved to know I don't have to go out and fight all those nut-job drivers that flock to the streets at Christmas time. I just get to sit back and relax now. Christmas in our house this year is going to be quite low key. Cole and Lily are getting their Santa Claus gifts and a book and bath toys, and that's it. The kids have so much already, they really don't need anything more. But why am I talking about Christmas, we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet. And Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. All of the good parts of Christmas-the food, the family, the day off-with none of the hassle-the shopping, the crazy drivers, the money. I don't know why Thanksgiving isn't higher up on every ones list. You'll find Christmas somewhere near the bottom of my favorites list. I met a man once who had just the best idea. He suggested we hold Christmas every other year. I mean it seem like we just celebrated Christmas not too long ago and here it is just around the corner. But if we hold it every other year, that gives us some time to recuperate and pad the pocket book a bit for the next go around. Hey I'm all for it, now if only I can convince my kids. And while I'm in the mood to change up the holidays, lets have Thanksgiving every month. I have so much to be grateful for I can't fit in to just one day once a year. Maybe my family will start our own tradition. Once every month we will hold our own Thanksgiving day. I will make a special dinner and we can spend the evening recounting all the blessings we received that month and thanking the Lord for his generosity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I added you!! your blog looks great---I love all your thoughts and sayings!!