Friday, November 14, 2008

Lock-picks, Lizards and Rice

Ahhhhhhhh! I think I am going to rip out all my hair! Its not even 10 o'clock and I am ready to crawl back under the covers and hide.

This is Cole with his "pet." That pink thing in his hand is a rubber lizard he got from his school Halloween party. This morning his pet was lost and some how it was all my fault. We spent quite a bit of time searching for that silly lizard. When we found it he wanted a picture of him and his pet. So there you go. Now take a look in the background of the picture. That's Lily getting into the pantry. Two seconds after I took this picture, she dumped a bag of rice all over the floor. That's my Lily. The day is never complete until Lily has gotten into something and made a whopping mess. She is starting early today.
Its going to be a busy day.

So this is our budding criminal in action. I try to keep our bathroom door locked, seeing as Lily's favorite past-time is putting all the toilet paper in the potty then fishing it out and squeezing all the water onto the floor. But our little smarty pants here has figured out how to break in

Now what?

After I downloaded the pictures from my camera, I noticed there were quite a few pictures I don't remember taking.

Then I saw it.

There is only one person in our house with brown eyes. Cole must have gotten a hold of the camera and tested out his skills. Not too bad really. He has his own camera (you can see it in Lily's hands), but of course if your allowed to use it, its not half as fun.

My kids are really good at letting me know when I have been on the computer too long. Lily just broke a fancy glass jar I had in the living room. I guess that one is my fault. I should know that glass and tornadoes don't mix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh my gooodness---LOL!! Im seriously laughing so hard{sorry its not funny}

:) Hang in their mommy!!