Saturday, November 15, 2008

I want, I want, I want

So there is a new rule in our house. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to say "I want..." followed by some toy or game or candy or anything they saw advertised on TV. I am so sick of hearing Cole tell me he wants this and that and everything else. And when I say "Cole, I am not buying that for you," he just tells me Santa Claus will get it for him. I try and explain to him that Santa is not going to bring him everything he says he wants but that hasn't stopped him from adding them to his Christmas list

What is it about the holidays that brings out the worst in kids? In our house we have already started singing 'Santa Clause is Coming to Town' emphasizing the part about him knowing if you've been bad or good-so be good for goodness sake! I don't know about you, but my kids are onery whininging monsters lately. I think bears have got the right idea. Lets just hibrinate through the winter, or at least have the kids sleep through the holidays.

I know, I know, I am a real party-pooper when it comes to Christmas.


Sharida said...

Hey Kylee! I found your blog through the girls night out blog. I love it when I see people with blogs! Its so much easier to stay in touch and get to know one another.

I'm totally with you and the kids being ornery right now. I don't know what's gotten into them, maybe it's the cold weather, I don't know. But when you said something about bears having it first thought (before I finished reading) was "bears eat their young?" lol Then I realized that would be a horrible thing to do. lol

Stacy said...

Yes it is a bother. All the shopping!! My kids know they only get 3 toys so I have trouble getting them to pick more then that. I guess it seems like a lost cause to them. But it makes it hard to surprise them!!! I know what you mean with messes. Kenzie decided to wash her hair the other day with hand soap before 8 in the morning.