Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tag, you're it

So Sharida Tagged me a whole week ago. Its kind of exciting as its my first. Looks like just about everyone has gotten it so I will just add my 8. Drum roll please...

8 favorite TV shows:
1-Super Why
2-Dragon Tales
3-Word Girl
4-Word World
5-Curious George
6-The Mentalist
8-Bizarre Foods
(our TV spend 90% of its on time on channel 11. I only get to see what is on TV after 9:00.)

8 favorite movies:
3-Toy Story (1 &2)
5-Emperor's New Groove
6-Life is Beautiful
7-Dan in Real Life
8-(I'll come up with another later, its too late right now to think)

8 favorite restaurants:
1-My Moms house
2-Lettuce and Ladles
3-Cafe Sabor
4-Akasaka Sushi
6-Market Street Broiler
8-Groves Market

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1-Lily unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper
2-Lily unrolled a whole roll of tape
3-Lily colored on the walls
4-Lily took a nap (yeah!)
5-Lily smashed all her crackers on the floor
6-Lily threw a shoe at me
7-Lily wandered off and visited the neighbors
8-Lily went to bed (yeah!)

8 things I look forward to:
1-Chad having his CPA
2-Buying a new camera
3-Having 2 working bathrooms again
4-A day off without the kids (that's never going to happen!)
5-Date night
6-Kids bed time
7-A good book
8-A Vacation (that's never going to happen!)

8 Things I love about fall:
1-My birthday (Yeah cake!)
4-Squash Soup
6-Down Comforters
7-Big Sweaters
8-Autumn trees

8 things on my wish list:
1-Finish the basement
2-More patience
3-To weigh the same as I did when I was 18
4-More money
5-A Maid
6-A magic wand
7-To be able to eat all the french fries I want and not gain a pound
8-World peace

So I am going to Tag anyone who wants to do it. There, now everyone has been tagged.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Daddy Time

OK! Life should start getting back to normal here in the Sadler house. Chad took his last CPA test and now we just wait to see if he has passed the last 2. So that means he gets to be a husband and a father for the whole month of December. Yeah! Then January starts busy season and Daddy starts working 12 hour days 6 days a week until April. We better make the most of this month off.

We went miniature golfing at Sparetime in Roy. They Have a cool black light course with sharks and alligators, dinosaurs and tigers guarding the holes. Cole loved it!

Lily has to kiss every animal see sees!

After several attempts, Cole figured out it is much easier to just throw your ball though the tigers legs.

So we don't have any trees in our back yard but somehow every fall I end up raking leaves. The kids helped me so really we were just scattering the leaves around even more.

In case you are wondering, YES! Lillian always has this scowl on her face. That girl was born scowling (I am not kidding, the nurses even mentioned it!)

Obviously I have been on the computer too long again.

And now she has the roll of tape. Here we go!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I want, I want, I want

So there is a new rule in our house. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to say "I want..." followed by some toy or game or candy or anything they saw advertised on TV. I am so sick of hearing Cole tell me he wants this and that and everything else. And when I say "Cole, I am not buying that for you," he just tells me Santa Claus will get it for him. I try and explain to him that Santa is not going to bring him everything he says he wants but that hasn't stopped him from adding them to his Christmas list

What is it about the holidays that brings out the worst in kids? In our house we have already started singing 'Santa Clause is Coming to Town' emphasizing the part about him knowing if you've been bad or good-so be good for goodness sake! I don't know about you, but my kids are onery whininging monsters lately. I think bears have got the right idea. Lets just hibrinate through the winter, or at least have the kids sleep through the holidays.

I know, I know, I am a real party-pooper when it comes to Christmas.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lock-picks, Lizards and Rice

Ahhhhhhhh! I think I am going to rip out all my hair! Its not even 10 o'clock and I am ready to crawl back under the covers and hide.

This is Cole with his "pet." That pink thing in his hand is a rubber lizard he got from his school Halloween party. This morning his pet was lost and some how it was all my fault. We spent quite a bit of time searching for that silly lizard. When we found it he wanted a picture of him and his pet. So there you go. Now take a look in the background of the picture. That's Lily getting into the pantry. Two seconds after I took this picture, she dumped a bag of rice all over the floor. That's my Lily. The day is never complete until Lily has gotten into something and made a whopping mess. She is starting early today.
Its going to be a busy day.

So this is our budding criminal in action. I try to keep our bathroom door locked, seeing as Lily's favorite past-time is putting all the toilet paper in the potty then fishing it out and squeezing all the water onto the floor. But our little smarty pants here has figured out how to break in

Now what?

After I downloaded the pictures from my camera, I noticed there were quite a few pictures I don't remember taking.

Then I saw it.

There is only one person in our house with brown eyes. Cole must have gotten a hold of the camera and tested out his skills. Not too bad really. He has his own camera (you can see it in Lily's hands), but of course if your allowed to use it, its not half as fun.

My kids are really good at letting me know when I have been on the computer too long. Lily just broke a fancy glass jar I had in the living room. I guess that one is my fault. I should know that glass and tornadoes don't mix.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Vs. Christmas

So I am just 3 presents away from having all my Christmas shopping done! I feel so relieved to know I don't have to go out and fight all those nut-job drivers that flock to the streets at Christmas time. I just get to sit back and relax now. Christmas in our house this year is going to be quite low key. Cole and Lily are getting their Santa Claus gifts and a book and bath toys, and that's it. The kids have so much already, they really don't need anything more. But why am I talking about Christmas, we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet. And Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. All of the good parts of Christmas-the food, the family, the day off-with none of the hassle-the shopping, the crazy drivers, the money. I don't know why Thanksgiving isn't higher up on every ones list. You'll find Christmas somewhere near the bottom of my favorites list. I met a man once who had just the best idea. He suggested we hold Christmas every other year. I mean it seem like we just celebrated Christmas not too long ago and here it is just around the corner. But if we hold it every other year, that gives us some time to recuperate and pad the pocket book a bit for the next go around. Hey I'm all for it, now if only I can convince my kids. And while I'm in the mood to change up the holidays, lets have Thanksgiving every month. I have so much to be grateful for I can't fit in to just one day once a year. Maybe my family will start our own tradition. Once every month we will hold our own Thanksgiving day. I will make a special dinner and we can spend the evening recounting all the blessings we received that month and thanking the Lord for his generosity.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Unfortunately airplanes aren't in the budget

Have you ever looked up in the sky to see an airplane and wished with all your heart that you were on it? Who cares where it is going just as long as it is going far away from here. I need a vacation. A LONG vacation. I love my life and I have things really good so I feel guilty complaining, but I am just tired. Chad is super busy all the time what with his job, studying for the CPA and being in the Elders Quorum presidency so he doesn't get a chance to help out much around here. Our families both live 40 minutes away so its not like I could drop the kids off at Grandma's for an afternoon off. So it is all me. I do everything: cook, clean, take care of the kids, and keep life running. Lily has turned into and ornery monster lately; she wakes up screaming and she goes to bed screaming (she screams a few times during the night too). Cole is always testing his limits. He is a good boy, really he is. But he goes through those phases where he like to see just how far he can take things before mommy looses it. And lately mommy is loosing it more often. So it would be beneficial for all parties involved if I did find an airplane to hop on.