Monday, November 10, 2008

Unfortunately airplanes aren't in the budget

Have you ever looked up in the sky to see an airplane and wished with all your heart that you were on it? Who cares where it is going just as long as it is going far away from here. I need a vacation. A LONG vacation. I love my life and I have things really good so I feel guilty complaining, but I am just tired. Chad is super busy all the time what with his job, studying for the CPA and being in the Elders Quorum presidency so he doesn't get a chance to help out much around here. Our families both live 40 minutes away so its not like I could drop the kids off at Grandma's for an afternoon off. So it is all me. I do everything: cook, clean, take care of the kids, and keep life running. Lily has turned into and ornery monster lately; she wakes up screaming and she goes to bed screaming (she screams a few times during the night too). Cole is always testing his limits. He is a good boy, really he is. But he goes through those phases where he like to see just how far he can take things before mommy looses it. And lately mommy is loosing it more often. So it would be beneficial for all parties involved if I did find an airplane to hop on.

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