Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its not easy being clean

So today I went out shopping with only one earing on and my zipper undone.
I just wanted to say to all you people who were giving me wierd looks:
At least I showered and had on a shirt that didnt have milk stains on the chest.
So there!

Hello Me

Hello, its been a long time since I could recognize you. And, considering what you have been through, you don't look half bad.
Hello toes!
I haven't seen you in a long while.
And you too belly button!
Its good to see you have returned.
Hello waist!
Although you are not quite the waist from before, I can see you struggling to get back. Hang in there! I am sure we can get you back in shape.
Now who are you two?
Have we met? We Have?! Really? Oh, OK I am starting to see the resemblance. So you have grown a size or three, and you also seem a bit LOWER then I remember. Well its nice to meet you but, do you think the old pair will be coming back any time soon? No?
Too bad.